Karin Looijesteijn
The organic EM series is planted with Rhus typhina dissecta at the quiet village in Ilpendam, just north of Amsterdam. The distinctive lineation and refinement of these models give the terrace an aura of elegance, an airy feel. This causes the communion between ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ to become a felt presence. In addition, each of the planted species chosen plays its own role in a greater scenario. so that the Rhus typhina Dissecta creates a natural partition along the terrace and the Carex comans bronze-leaved create a play of intersecting golden lines that enhances the lineation of the pots. In the same perspective, the trunk of Ficus carica accounts for a unique sculpture in OD pots. The arrangements thought by Karin are inspired by the art and the style of Dutch Masters, the most brilliant painters of the Dutch Golden Age.